One could say that the Star of Bethlehem has a “starring” role in today’s Gospel (yes, I can see you roll your eyes at that one!). The Magi from the East saw the star at Jesus’ birth; Herod, who wanted the child dead, needed to know when that star first appeared; and the star led the wisdom-seekers directly to the place where the Holy Family was lodging.
For centuries now, scientists have attempted to ascertain if there was such an astrological event that could have truly predicted the birth of the Christ Child. Was there such a star 2000 years ago?
Perhaps when all is said and done, it doesn’t matter if it can be scientifically-proven or not. Because, truth be told, there is an equally-important light that should guide each of us on our journey with Jesus and His Church: the “star” of FAITH and FAMILY. It is these that keep us grounded and center us in true love, and these that should be the very things that guide us throughout the day (and night).
Just like the Star of Bethlehem guided the Three Kings in their search for God, the star of faith and family also provides the light that can lead us to the Lord. May we always have the courage to follow that star and reject the things that shroud the beauty and brightness of its guiding light in our daily lives.